How we Measure Coaching Effectiveness
At the Impact Community, our vision is to help church planters launch strong, stay healthy, and build a foundation for enduring city impact. As we talk to church planters and their teams, a common question that comes up is this: How do you define success or measure the results of Impact Community coaching?
This is an important question because any coaching engagement requires a high level of investment (time, money, focus, etc.). Therefore, leaders want to ensure positive, measurable, and sustainable returns on their investment. In this article, we share four ways that we measure coaching effectiveness.

The Core Values of Impact Community Coaching
If a person is unfamiliar with ministry coaching, they may imagine an athletic coach yelling calls from the sideline or even a professor waving a piece of chalk around a classroom. Images like these bring to mind people that tell others what to do, make calls on behalf of athletes, and stand before audiences as experts in their unique fields. Though these roles are necessary at times, they do not accurately define ministry coaching. Coaching, in the context of ministry, is designed to facilitate the development of a God-given vision through a relational framework. When a leader or church planter engages with a coach, they step into an intentional and compassionate relationship designed to support and sustain their unique calling in their unique context.

Come See Us at LAUNCH 2022!
Will you be at the LAUNCH Church Planting Conference this year in Atlanta, GA? If so, come see us! We would love to meet you and hear your story. Find our booth in the back of the main room and grab some Impact Community swag!

The Call of the City
As the book of Jonah opens, we see God speaking to a prophet named Jonah and sending him to the city of Nineveh. Before we scoff at Jonah’s reaction to his calling, we should consider the historical context. At the time, Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian Empire. The Assyrians were a brutal, wicked, and heathen people that worshipped false gods through human sacrifice in expansive temples. They were also the longtime enemies of Israel. At the time, Nineveh was one of the largest cities in the ancient world (twice the size of Babylon). Viewing the city from the outside, we see why Jonah reacted as he did. Yet, God saw something inside of the city worth redeeming. We know this because God sent one of his prophets to the people there and God only sends prophets to people worth saving.
VIDEO: 3 Things Your Website Needs
In this video, Payton West discusses what your church website needs to serve the needs of viewers and potential guests.
Avoiding Burnout
We hear so much the days about pastors and leaders experiencing burnout and of the often-devastating consequences that follow. No one ever intentionally tries to sabotage their own health and success, but the truth is that burn out is not the result of intention. It is the result of inattention. In other words, burn out is the result of neglect.
Proverbs 14:1 tells us, “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish woman tears hers down with her own hands.” What kind of person would literally take a wrecking ball to her house and smash it to pieces? No one in her right mind would do such a thing! If you think about all the old, decaying houses you have ever seen, they are usually not the result of intentional destruction, but of neglect over time. The longer we let things go unattended, the more overwhelming the repairs become. This is true about houses, and it is also true about people and life in general.